Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Autism is a developmental disorder
Autistic children will have problems communicating and delayed language skills
The condition is normally noticed before the age of 3
It affects about 1 in 1000 people
Severely autistic children may appear mentally retarded
The condition is believed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors
There is no cure but some sufferers will improve as they mature
Early intervention offers the best hope of treatment
What is it?
Autism is a developmental disorder which can vary from mild to severe.
Children with autism have three main types of characteristics: impaired social skills, communication problems, and unusual or limited interests.
These children rarely understand the world they live in, to them it is a frightening place.
Severe autism is marked by aggressive behaviour towards themselves and others, chronic repetitive and unusual behaviour. Some sufferers will be severely retarded.
Mild forms involve a personality disorder and learning difficulties.
Autism affects approximately 1 in 1000 people, and boys are four times more likely to be autistic than girls.
The exact cause of autism is unknown.
It is believed that a combination of genetic and environmental factors can cause the condition.
Researchers have found abnormalities in several regions of the brain in autism sufferers, suggesting problems with early fetal development.
A genetic link has been discovered in some people in autism. Couples with one autistic child have a 5 percent risk of having another one - a much greater risk than the general population.
What are the signs?
The symptoms of autism can vary according to the degree of severity. The condition may not be recognised for several years in those with mild autism, or those with other mental and physical disabilities.
Symptoms normally appear within the first 3 years of life, and may begin with poor maternal bonding.
Children with the condition may avoid social interaction, they may ignore their own name being called, avoid looking at other people and are unaware of other people's feelings.
Repetitive movements are common such as rocking back and forth, head-banging and teeth-grinding. They may also repeat what someone else has said over and over again.
Some practise ritualistic behaviours with their routines, and can become hysterical if they are disrupted or something is out of place.
They may resist physical contact like being hugged and develop strong attachments to unusual things like paper or other worthless objects.
Some children do not appear to feel pain after a bad fall, and much less painful sensations could upset them such as walking on the grass or hearing a loud noise.
Most children with autism score poorly on IQ tests. A small percentage may have exceptional ability in certain areas.
Diagnosis must be made by specialists with expertise in working with children with autism. Several sets of diagnostic criteria are used for autism, these include:
Limited imaginative and social play Limited ability to start or have a conversation with others Problems making friends In severe cases they may not be aware of others Repetitive or unusual use of language Preoccupation with certain objects and parts Obsessive focus on some interests Strict adherence to routines or rituals
The following conditions are often described as autism spectrum disorders:
Asperger's syndrome where children have mild symptoms of autism but well-developed language skills.
Childhood disintegrative disorder in which children regress after appearing normal for several years.
Girls with Rett's syndrome which causes neurological disturbances may also show some forms of autistic behaviour.
What can be done to help?
There is no cure for autism and children will have it throughout their lives. However, many show some improvement as they mature, and some with mild forms go on to lead normal lives.
Behavioural management programmes can be specifically tailored to children to help control problem behaviours in children with the disorder.
Early behavioural programmes to develop children's language and social skills currently offer the best hope of treating the condition.
The accepted model involves educating the child in as normal environment as possible. Children may be placed in the same class as normal children and given special education as needed.
However, some experts advocate controlled education environments for autistic children with little sound and visual stimulation. Learning is broken down into very small segments which must be grasped before progressing to the next activity. There continues to be controversy over the effectiveness of this treatment.
Counselling is helpful for families to come to terms with a child with autism. Living with an autistic child can be extremely stressful and some families can become isolated.
Adolescence can cause more marked behavioural problems in some children who can become aggressive and difficult to control. Some children may develop epilepsy.
A range of medication can be prescribed to help reduce aggressive and violent behaviour.
Future trends
Researchers are continuing to study the condition and develop new programmes to help reduce some of the problems associated with the condition.
Initial findings from some studies have shows people with autism have abnormal signaling molecules in the brain, including serotonin, but more research is necessary on this.
Scientists also hope to identify the genes that may increase the risk of autism.
Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
Ghee Rice Ingredients :
1. Raw rice - 1/2 kg 2. Clove   ;- 4 no's 3. Cinnamon - 4 no's 4. Star Anise - 1no 5. Pepper - 10 no's 6. Butter or Ghee - 1 tbs 7. Salt - to taste
Method of Preparation :
Boil rice with all the ingredients except butter in sufficient water. When it is done, strain the water. Spread butter on top and close with a lid. Serve hot with Chicken Hussainy or Mutton Kuruma. If needed you can decorate with fried onions.
Trim and cut each slice of bread into four pieces and deep fry to a golden brown colour. Drain thoroughly and keep aside. Fry all the nuts and pound coarsely. Also fry the raisins. Take a wide pan and put in milk, condensed milk, 2 tablespoon sugar, cardamoms and nutmeg. Cook on a low fire till the mixture turns a little thick, then put the fried bread side by side in the pan. Let it cook till all the moisture is absorbed by the bread. Serve cold garnished with nuts and raisins and covered with foil.
Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
yahan aisay waisay jaisay kaisay her qisam kay log hain aisay hi jaisay kisi bhi family main hotay hain jhagarnay walay, dost ba'nay aur bana'nay walay, help kernay walay, care kernaY walay, tang kernay walay roothnay mana'nay walay etc etc aap ko kaisy log pasand hain
Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
age factor????? religion ka age factor say kya taluq hai.
anam I think log serious topics main jana ziada pasand nahin kertay ya kuch log religion kay baray main akser baatian detail say nahin jantay, ya is ki wajha ye bhi ho sakti hai kay behas o mubahisay say bachna chahtay hon baqi ALHAMDULILLAH sab kay liye religion aik ahem cheez hai her age factor main.
lakin whan bhi reguler posting ho rahi hai aur hamaray bohat say members wahan bohat kuch informative share ker rahay hain.
Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
nikama said:
vah, vah,mashallah,kya kehne,etc.etc.
wt do u mean by this ETC ETC nikamma jee do u think main nay ye post sirf wah waha sun'nay kay liye ki hai? kuch bhi post kernay ka maqsad knowledge share kerna hota hai sirf tareef sun'na nahin ager yeh meri ZATI TEHREER hoti to main zaroor tareef sun kay khush hoti but BAQOL AAP KAY(larkiyan sirf copy paste kerti hain) main jo bhi post kerti hoon woh sirf is liye kay jo baat mujhay pata chali hai doosaron ko bhi bataoon.